A Simple Pagination Using jQuery


This article will show you how to create pagination using jQuery with as little effort or configuration as possible. A jQuery plugin that comes with a twist; animated page numbers. The user can slide through the available page numbers by clicking or just hovering over the bullets. When you have a large list of items, you can display them grouped in pages and present navigational elements to move from one page to another. This plugin creates these navigational elements.

Step 1: First we have to create a Web Application.

  • Go to Visual Studio 2010.
  • New--> And select the Web Application.
  • Give whatever name you want to.
  • Click OK.

Step 2: Secondly you have to add a new page to the website.

  • Go to the Solution Explorer.
  • Right-click on the project name.
  • Select add new item.
  • Add new web page and give it a name.
  • Click OK.

Step 3: Now add an image to the "Img" folder of the project.


Step 4: Then add the style.css files to your Styles folder.


Right-click on style.css files -> copy and paste it inside <Head> section of your page. The reference looks like:

<link href="Styles/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

Step 5: In this step we have to write the script reference to the aspx page; let us see from where you have to write the script code.


Right-click on selected files respectively -> copy and paste it inside <Head> section of your page; see step 6.

Step 6: Let us see the script code which you have to add inside the <script></script> tags and that will be placed either in the <head> section or the <body> section as you prefer.

<script src="Scripts/jquery-1.4.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script src="Scripts/script.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script src="Scripts/JScript1.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Step 7: In this step you will see the body code of the Default2.aspx page which is given below.



<div id="main">

    <ul id="holder">

    <li><b> <img src="ima/Sachin%20Tendulkar.jpg"  height="150px" width="340px"/> </li>

    <li><img src="ima/lotus%20temple.jpg"  height="150px" width="340px" /> </li>

    <li> <img src="ima/MP900438794.JPG" height="150px" width="340px" /></li>


    <li><img src="ima/taj-mahal.jpg" height="150px" width="340px"/></li>

    <li> <img src="ima/woman.JPG"  height="150px" width="340px" /></li>

    <li><img src="ima/Ball.JPG" height="150px" width="340px"  /></li>


    <li> <img src="ima/red.jpg" height="150px" width="340px"  /></li>

    <li><img src="ima/alien.jpg" height="150px" width="340px"  /></li>

    <li><img src="ima/wesdal.jpg" height="150px" width="340px" /></li>


    <li><img src="ima/god.jpg" height="150px" width="340px" /></li>

    <li><img src="ima/nice.jpg" height="150px" width="340px" /></li>

    <li><img src="ima/hours.jpg"  height="150px" width="340px"/></li>


    <li><img src="ima/nature.jpg" height="150px" width="340px"/></li>

    <li> <img src="ima/tiger.jpg" height="150px" width="340px"/></li>

    <li> <img src="ima/wawk.jpg" height="150px" width="340px" /></li>




Step 8: In this step we will see the complete code of the Default2.aspx page which is given below.


<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default2.aspx.cs" Inherits="Default2" %>


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

<head runat="server">

    <title> A Simple Pagination using jQuery  </title>

    <link href="Styles/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

    <script src="Scripts/jquery-1.4.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

    <script src="Scripts/script.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

    <script src="Scripts/JScript1.js" type="text/javascript"></script>



<div id="main">

    <ul id="holder">

    <li><b> <img src="ima/Sachin%20Tendulkar.jpg"  height="150px" width="340px"/> </li>

    <li><img src="ima/lotus%20temple.jpg"  height="150px" width="340px" /> </li>

    <li> <img src="ima/MP900438794.JPG" height="150px" width="340px" /></li>


    <li><img src="ima/taj-mahal.jpg" height="150px" width="340px"/></li>

    <li> <img src="ima/woman.JPG"  height="150px" width="340px" /></li>

    <li><img src="ima/Ball.JPG" height="150px" width="340px"  /></li>


    <li> <img src="ima/red.jpg" height="150px" width="340px"  /></li>

    <li><img src="ima/alien.jpg" height="150px" width="340px"  /></li>

    <li><img src="ima/wesdal.jpg" height="150px" width="340px" /></li>


    <li><img src="ima/god.jpg" height="150px" width="340px" /></li>

    <li><img src="ima/nice.jpg" height="150px" width="340px" /></li>

    <li><img src="ima/hours.jpg"  height="150px" width="340px"/></li>


    <li><img src="ima/nature.jpg" height="150px" width="340px"/></li>

    <li> <img src="ima/tiger.jpg" height="150px" width="340px"/></li>

    <li> <img src="ima/wawk.jpg" height="150px" width="340px" /></li>






Step 9: In this step we will see the design of the Default2.aspx page which is given below.


Step 10: In this step we are going to run the Default2.aspx page by pressing F5.


Now click on the bullets to see the effect.






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