This article describes an easy approach to converting a
DataGridView control into a Bitmap. At face value that might seem too
interesting, however, I have found myself in situations where I was extending a
third-party document model (for CAD work) and it was not possible to embed a
grid control of any type into that proprietary document format; however, that
document type would permit bitmaps to be added to its content.
In one particular application, the intent was to
dynamically produce engineering drawings within a batch process and each of
those drawing was to contain a bill of materials. The bill of materials changed
as each drawing in the batch job was produced and for that reason it was not
possible to predetermine what would be contained within the Bill of Materials.
Given it was not possible to add a grid control nor was it possible to
predetermine what would be contained in the grid control, I opted to dynamically
generate the bill of materials using a grid control, export the grid control's
content to a bitmap, and then embed the bitmap in the correct location within
the drawing.
This document will address the approach used to convert
the grid control into a bitmap. Even though this document is focused on the use
of a DataGridView control, the same approach may be applied to any control, even
containers such that you could export a panel with its contained controls to a
bitmap using the technique applied to the DataGridView control in this example.
The approach is based upon the use of the gdi32.dll BitBlt function and some of
the GDI+ functionality supplied within .NET and is really very simple.
Getting Started.
To get started, unzip the sample code and project
supplied with this article. Open the solution up in Visual 2005 and you should
note that the application contains two significant files: frmMain.vb and
DataGrid2Bitmap.vb. There are a couple of other files in the solution but they
are not particularly important to this discussion. The frmMain.vb class does
use a connection to my local copy of SQL Server, you may wish to update this
connection string or just add a new connection to the project and bind the grid
to that connection. You may also wish to take a look at the properties set on
the grid, it is configured to not display selections (this is accomplished by
changing the Default Cell Style such that the selected cell background color
property matches the normal grid and the selected cell foreground color property
matches the normal grid. The Rows Visible Headers property is also set to false
to remove the left hand columns row selection and row pointer column. The
scroll bars property is also set to 'None'. These appearance related settings
are merely intended to make the grid look more like a static table than a
control when it is converted to a bitmap.
The Code.
Open DataGrid2Bitmap.vb in the code window; the file is
a code module and therefore it does not need to be instanced in order to use
it. The DataGrid2Bitmap.vb file contains an import statement, it is:
This import is needed to process the bitmap and is
required for this demonstration. After the module declaration, you should see
this code:
Declare Auto
Function BitBlt Lib
"gdi32.dll" _
pHdc As IntPtr, ByVal
iX As Integer,
iY As Integer,
ByVal iWidth As
Integer, _
iHeight As Integer,
ByVal pHdcSource As
IntPtr, _
iXSource As Integer,
ByVal iYSource As
Integer, _
dw As System.Int32)
As Boolean
Const SRC As
Integer = &HCC0020
The declaration is used to supply the application with
direct access to the gdi32.dll's BitBlt function. Without this code block in
place, it will not be possible to call BitBlt within the application. Following
the BitBlt declaration, a single interger constant is defined and set; this is
subsequently used in support of the BitBlt function.
Following the constant declartion, you should see the
following code:
Sub ConvertDG2BMP(ByVal
dg As DataGridView,
ByVal sFilePath As
Dim g As
Graphics = dg.CreateGraphics
Dim ibitMap As
New Bitmap(dg.ClientSize.Width, _
Dim iBitMap_gr As
Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(ibitMap)
Dim iBitMap_hdc As
IntPtr = iBitMap_gr.GetHdc
Dim me_hdc As
IntPtr = g.GetHdc
BitBlt(iBitMap_hdc, 0,
0, dg.ClientSize.Width, _
me_hdc, 0, 0, SRC)
If sFilePath = ""
Then Exit
This function accepts two arguments, the first is the
DataGridView control that will be saved to bitmap. The second argument is used
to provide a file path which is subequently used to define the storage location
and file name applied to the current save request.
The rest of the code obtains a graphic context for the
for the grid, creates a bitmap sized to match the grid, sets up for and executes
the BitBlt call, and then saves the image to the file path provided in bitmap
format. That wraps it up for this module.
Figure 1: Example Output - A bitmap from a grid
The frmMain.vb class is used as a test harness for the
module previously discussed. The frmMain.vb class has a menu with a save menu
option. If you open up the save menu option's handler, you will see this code:
'Open a file dialog for saving map documents
SaveFileDialog1.Title =
"Save As BMP File"
= "Bitmap File (*.bmp)|*.bmp"
If SaveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() = _
Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel Then
End If
ex As Exception
Exit Sub
'Exit if no
map document is selected
sFilePath As String
sFilePath =
sFilePath = "" Then
Exit Sub
DataGrid2Bitmap.ConvertDG2BMP(DataGridView1, sFilePath)
The save menu item handler's code opens up a standard
save file dialog box after setting it to use the bitmap file extension. The
path collected by this function is subsequently used to call the
DataGrid2Bitmap's ConvertDG2BMP subroutine; it also passes in the form's
DataGridView control and the file path used to store the file.
This is a simple project; the only intent was to
demonstrate a workable approach to converting a DataGridView control into a
bitmap that might be useful in situations where you might need a dynamically
generated grid but need it is the form of a bitmap. While this project only
described the conversion of a DataGridView into a bitmap; the approach could be
applied any other control or container object.