The web service does the grunt of the work such as inserting the bug report, looking up the enumeration database datables, and retrieving the output for the datagrid. Below is the call to the web service for inserting data into the database. This method, ProcessFormInput (located in the codebehind of the first webform), is called upon clicking the Submit button. It starts by cycling through the request data key-value pairs and places the inputted information into a string array. This array is then passed to the web service to place the data into the database:
private void ProcessFormInput()
localhost.BugTestService bts = new localhost.BugTestService();
string[] dataArray = new string[14] { "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-" };
HttpRequest rq = this.Request;
// Cycke through all the key-value pairs and fill a string array with the entered values
for (int i = 0; i < rq.Form.Keys.Count; i++)
string theKey = rq.Form.Keys[i];
string theValue = rq.Form.Get(i);
switch (theKey)
case "BugID":
dataArray[0] = theValue;
case "StatusRadioList":
dataArray[1] = theValue[theValue.Length - 1].ToString();
case "TesterTextBox":
dataArray[2] = theValue;
case "DateTextBox":
dataArray[3] = theValue;
case "DeveloperTextBox":
dataArray[4] = theValue;
case "PreconditionTextBox":
dataArray[5] = theValue;
case "DescriptionTextBox":
dataArray[6] = theValue;
case "StepsTextBox":
dataArray[7] = theValue;
case "ExpectedResultsTextBox":
dataArray[8] = theValue;
case "ActualResultsTextBox":
dataArray[9] = theValue;
case "DefectRadioList":
dataArray[10] = theValue[theValue.Length - 1].ToString();
case "OtherDefectTextBox":
dataArray[11] = theValue;
case "SeverityRadioList":
dataArray[12] = theValue[theValue.Length - 1].ToString();
case "PriorityRadioList":
dataArray[13] = theValue[theValue.Length - 1].ToString();
} // end switch
} // end for loop
// Call the web service that places the bug report into the database
The web service uses ADO.NET to fill a DataSet and then insert a new data row parsed from the string array passed from the ProcessFormInput method:
public DataSet InsertBugReportUsingArray(string[] s)
// make sure no 0 length strings
// Fill a dataset with the existing bug report
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
this.BugReportAdapter.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey;
this.BugReportAdapter.Fill(ds, "BugReport");
DataTable BugTable = ds.Tables["BugReport"];
// Create a new row in the dataset and fill it with the form data
DataRow dr = BugTable.NewRow();
dr["BugNumber"] = s[0];
dr["Status"] = Convert.ToInt32(s[1]);
dr["Tester"] = s[2];
dr["ReportDate"] = Convert.ToDateTime(s[3]);
dr["Developer"] = s[4];
dr["Precondition"] = s[5];
dr["Description"] = s[6];
dr["StepsToReproduce"] = s[7];
dr["ExpectedResult"] = s[8];
dr["ActualResult"] = s[9];
dr["TypeOfDefect"] = Convert.ToInt32(s[10]);
dr["OtherDefect"] = s[11];
dr["Severity"] = Convert.ToInt32(s[12]);
dr["Priority"] = Convert.ToInt32(s[13]);
// Update the DataSource with the new row
BugReportAdapter.Update(ds, "BugReport");
return ds;
To Show the DataGrid, the code behind in the second Web Form simply fills a dataset with a range of bug reports using the web service method GetBugReports. It then binds the dataset to the DataGrid. In order to show the actual text for severity, priority, defect, and status, there are a series of mini web service methods that retrieve the string equivalents from the database. We can use these web service methods to replace the numbers of those cells for more descriptive text:
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// Put user code to initialize the page here
// create the web service so we can get a range of bug reports from the database
localhost.BugTestService theService = new localhost.BugTestService();
DataSet ds = theService.GetBugReports("BG0000", "BG2000");
DataGrid1.DataSource = ds.Tables["BugReport"];
// Bind the filled dataset to the DataGrid so it shows up on the web page
// change the cells with integer indexes to actual strings mapping to the foreign keys in the
// Lookup Tables in the Database
for (int i = 0; i < DataGrid1.Items.Count; i++)
DataGrid1.Items[i].Cells[3].Text =
DataGrid1.Items[i].Cells[4].Text =
DataGrid1.Items[i].Cells[5].Text =
DataGrid1.Items[i].Cells[7].Text =
Well now you have a way to log your bugs even if your test team and development team are on opposite sides of the planet. This application was written fairly quickly, so it lacks many nice features of existing test tools such as tracing and updating of existing bug reports, but for someone who doesn't want to spend a fortune on an expensive bug logging tool, this may do the trick. In the next version, we'll look into creating an Update button, so you can edit an existing Bug Report.