This article will help you to add your Bot Application for Skype Channel. A Bot Application completes, when you host it on a channel, which will help us to use it in real time Applications.
Note - Work on my previous article to create a Bot Application, to host it on Azure as a Web app and to register the bot in the Bot Developer Portal before stepping on to this one. Surf the links, given below-
- Click here to know about Bot Framework and to build your first Bot Application.
- Click here to know about how to run your Bot Application in Bot Framework Channel Emulator.
- Click here to register your Bot Application and test your connection at Bot Framework.
- Skype app
- A Bot Application which has been already hosted on your Bot Developer portal.
Why should I publish my Bot for a Skype channel?
A Bot Application, which you have built will become an effective one, only if you publish it to the channels, which are listed at Bot Developer Portal after you register it. You can use the Bot Chat Application or whatever you have built for the contacts, which you hold in your Skype account.
Follow the steps, given below-
Step 1 - Login to the Bot Developer portal ( in which you have published your Bot Application.
Sign in with Microsoft Account in which you have your Bot Application.
Click “My Bots” here.
Here, you can find the list of Bot Application, which is added for your Bot Developer portal. Also, add the list of channels for which you can add your Bot Application.
Step 2 - It lets you add Bot Application for Skype. Click “Add to Skype” here.
Further, this page will ask for the details, if the particular Bot has to be added for Skype. You can also find the description of Bot Application, which you gave during the registration of Bot Application on your Bot Developer portal.
Click “add to contacts”.
This will ask you to download Skype. If you don’t have Skype on your machine, download it and install it. If you already have Skype installed on your machine, login with the same account on your Skype, which you have on your machine.
Enter your Microsoft account credentials here.
Here goes your Bot Application, which is added for Skype channel.