ASP.NET Core 2.0 Caching


How to use distributed caching and Redis in ASP.NET Core.


Starting from an empty project, add Redis Services in ConfigureServices() method of Startup.

Create utility methods to set/get typed objects from the cache.

Create a middleware to write to the cache.

Create a middleware to read from the cache.


Caching the frequently-used data can improve the performance of a web application. For applications hosted on multiple servers, using distributed caching means the application can access the data regardless of the instance server. Caching should be considered an alternate to using Session State.

ASP.NET Core provides an abstraction over the distributed caching so that regardless of where the cache is physically stored (Redis, SQL), developers can interact using a uniform API. This interface is IDistributedCache and provides methods to set, get and remove cache data. Notice that it can be injected as dependency in your middleware, controllers etc.

The set/get methods of IDistributedCache work with byte[] but the framework also provides extension methods to work with string values. These extension methods use Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes() and Encoding.UTF8.GetString() behind the scenes.

You could write your own extension methods to work with other strongly typed objects, as the above solution demonstrates.

I recommend considering Azure Redis Cache; it is really simple to set up and provides a lot of useful analytics to monitor the usage.

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