Attributes Of Induction Motor By Cloud Computing


An asynchronous motor type of an induction motor is an AC electric motor, in which the electric current in the rotor needs to produce torque, which is obtained by an electromagnetic induction from the magnetic field of the stator winding. An induction motor can therefore be made without the electrical connections to the rotor, as are found in universal, DC and synchronous motors. An asynchronous motor's rotor can be either wound type or squirrel-cage type. In addition, this simple motor is connected to Cloud Service by means of "internet of Things".

Cloud platform

Cloud platform is nothing but the software as a Service resources. Cloud Services are same as Web Services. However, the term Cloud Services has been more commonly used as Cloud computing, which has become more pervasive.

Block diagram

connection of mobile and device

Figure 1: Connection of mobile and device

The working procedure involves governing the usual running speed of the motor. Once it is overloaded, the message is sent to the mobile, which acts as a client in the mobile client app, which is used for controlling ON and OFF of the motor, once it is in the ON or OFF position. The mobile with the client app is connected to Azure (Cloud Services).The connection of the device and Cloud is done by means of service bus, used for the data transfer. On the other hand, the positive and negative terminal of the motor is connected to the GPIO (general purpose input and output) of the pi3 at any pin. Here, take pin 17 and 18, once it is connected to the motor- the pi3, which is connected to Cloud Services .The app package on the IoT, which governs the speed of the motor and at the same time, it is connected to Azure (Cloud Service). From Cloud, the mobile client app receives the information. ON and OFF , speed control of the motor can be done easily from the place anywhere.

user interface
Figure 2: User interface

coding for ON and OFF
Figure 3: Coding for ON and OFF


  1. Easy and usage is simple.
  2. Portable device.
  3. User friendly.


  1. Breach of privacy.
  2. Over-reliance on the technology.
  3. Loss of jobs.

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