Building the ListBoxesFT_C ASP.NET Web User Control in Visual Studio 2005: Part II

As we have said (part 1), we are ready to write code for the class UserControls_ListBoxesFT_C. Well! Inside the class we will use variables named according to the properties of the class. For example, the _WidthLB variable  corresponds to the C_WidthLB property, _DT_In - to C_DT_In, etc. All properties are simple enough and are written like that:



public int C_SortBy


    get { return _SortBy; }

    set { _SortBy = value; }


public int C_WidthLB


    get { return _WidthLB; }

    set { _WidthLB = value; }





Some difference have the C_DataIn and C_DataOut properties:


public DataTable C_DataIn




        _DT_In = dataTable_Sort ( value);

        //Clones the structure of the _DT_In DataTable

        _DT_Out = _DT_In.Clone();

        //here you can set default value for the _DT_Out



public DataTable C_DataOut


    get{return _DT_Out;}



As you can see, first of all we set _DT_In as sorted  value (with the help of the method dataTable_Sort) and then set _DT_Out as the cloned  structure of the _DT_In. The method dataTable_Sort receives some DataTable and returns the sorted table(according to the _SortBy variable) :


private DataTable dataTable_Sort(DataTable dt)


    DataView dv;

    DataTable dtHelp;

    DataRow dr;

    int iCount = 0;

    int iMax = dt.Rows.Count;


    dtHelp = dt.Copy();

    dv = dtHelp.DefaultView;

    dv.Sort = dt.Columns[_SortBy].Caption  ;


    for (iCount = 0; iCount < iMax; iCount++)


        dr = dt.NewRow();

        dr[0]= dv[iCount][0];

        dr[1] = dv[iCount][1];



    return dt;



Pay attention that the C_SortBy property has to be set before the C_DataIn property.

In order to bind the ListBox control we use the buildListBox method:


private void buildListBox(ListBox lb,DataTable dt)


    lb.DataTextField = dt.Columns[1].Caption;

    lb.DataValueField = dt.Columns[0].Caption;

    lb.DataSource = dt;




On "Load" event we bind our ListBox controls:


if (!IsPostBack)


    buildListBox(ListBoxFrom, _DT_In);

    buildListBox(ListBoxTo, _DT_Out);



On "PreRender" event we "rebuild" our control according to set values:


if (IsPostBack)

{ return; }

ListBoxFrom.Width = Unit.Pixel(_WidthLB);

ListBoxFrom.Height = Unit.Pixel(_HeightLB);

ListBoxTo.Width = Unit.Pixel(_WidthLB);

ListBoxTo.Height = Unit.Pixel(_HeightLB);

ButtonFrom.Text = _LabelFrom;

ButtonTo.Text = _LabelTo ;

ButtonHTMLFrom.Value = _LabelFrom;

ButtonHTMLTo.Value = _LabelTo;

ButtonFrom.Visible = false;

ButtonTo.Visible = false;

ButtonHTMLFrom.Visible = false;

ButtonHTMLTo.Visible = false;

if (_Client)


    ButtonHTMLFrom.Visible = true;

    ButtonHTMLTo.Visible = true;




    ButtonFrom.Visible = true;

    ButtonTo.Visible = true;



On "Button_Click" events (server controls, not HTML) we should add the selected item to _DT_To and delete this item from _DT_Out (or vice versa, it is depends on the event) and then bind the ListBox controls. We do that with the help of the onClickFromTo method :


private void onClickFromTo(bool clickFrom)


    ListBox lb;

    DataTable dtFrom;

    DataTable dtTo;

    int iItemsList = 0;

    int iCount = 0;

    int iCountHelp = 0;

    if (clickFrom)


        lb = ListBoxFrom;

        dtFrom = _DT_In;

        dtTo = _DT_Out;




        lb = ListBoxTo;

        dtFrom = _DT_Out;

        dtTo = _DT_In;


    iItemsList = lb.Items.Count;

    for (iCount = 0; iCount < iItemsList; iCount++)


        if (lb.Items[iCount].Selected)


            DataRow dr;

            dr = dtTo.NewRow();

            dr[0] = dtFrom.Rows[iCount - iCountHelp][0];

            dr[1] = dtFrom.Rows[iCount - iCountHelp][1];


            dtFrom.Rows[iCount - iCountHelp].Delete();

            iCountHelp = iCountHelp + 1;



    if (clickFrom)


        _DT_In =  dataTable_Sort( dtFrom.Copy());

        _DT_Out = dataTable_Sort ( dtTo.Copy());




        _DT_Out = dataTable_Sort( dtFrom.Copy());

        _DT_In = dataTable_Sort( dtTo.Copy());


    buildListBox(ListBoxFrom,_DT_In );

    buildListBox(ListBoxTo,_DT_Out );



In order to save the control view-state changes after the last postback and restore the view-state information we use SaveViewState and LoadViewState methods:


protected override object SaveViewState()


    object VS_base = base.SaveViewState();

    object[] VS_all = new object[10];

    VS_all[0] = VS_base;

    VS_all[1] = _DT_In;

    VS_all[2] = _DT_Out;

    VS_all[3] = _Client;

    VS_all[4] = _SortBy;

    VS_all[5] = _WidthLB;

    VS_all[6] = _HeightLB;

    VS_all[7] = _LabelFrom;

    VS_all[8] = _LabelTo;

    VS_all[9] = _SortByText;

    return VS_all;


protected override void LoadViewState(object VS_saved)


    if (VS_saved != null)


        object[] VS_all = (object[])VS_saved;

        if (VS_all[0] != null)




        if (VS_all[1] != null)


            _DT_In = (DataTable)VS_all[1];


        if (VS_all[2] != null)


            _DT_Out = (DataTable)VS_all[2];


        if (VS_all[3] != null)


            _Client = (bool)VS_all[3];


        if (VS_all[4] != null)


            _SortBy = (int)VS_all[4];


        if (VS_all[5] != null)


            _WidthLB = (int)VS_all[5];


        if (VS_all[6] != null)


            _HeightLB = (int)VS_all[6];


        if (VS_all[7] != null)


            _LabelFrom = (string)VS_all[7];


        if (VS_all[8] != null)


            _LabelTo = (string)VS_all[8];


        if (VS_all[9] != null)


            _SortByText = (bool)VS_all[9];





OK! Our control is ready to work if the C_Client property set to "false", this is : with using "PostBack" for every "data exchange" between ListBoxes. Now we should force to work the control "on client" (C_Client = true). As usually, let's drink a cup of coffee before we shall pass to the third part .


Good luck in programming !

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