In this article we will go step by step to create Windows Server Virtual Machine with the help of PowerShell scripts on Classic deployment model. PowerShell provide more functionality compared to the GUI version of Portal. Using PowerShell it is very fast to create or remove, configuring VM easily.
You will learn
- About PowerShell Tool
- How to Create Windows Server Virtual Machine
- How to Create Storage using PowerShell
- Get the RDP file
- Modify, Delete VM, Delete Cloud Service, Delete individual disk, Delete all of the disks that are not attached.
Step 1: Install PowerShell on System.
Step 2: After installation, Open search box and search for Windows PowerShell,
There are two types of Windows PowerShell available:
- Windows PowerShell – Command Line
- Windows PowerShell ISE – Execute the PowerShell script such as .ps file. GUI version of Windows PowerShell.
Windows PowerShell ISE version
Step 3: Add Azure Subscription with PowerShell,
Enter your Azure Subscription credentials.
Few more commands for Azure account details
List all the associate Azure Subscriptions with Id, Type, Subscriptions and Tenants.
List all the associate Azure Subscriptions with all details such as SubscriptionId, SubscriptionName, Account, etc.
if there is only one subscription associate no problem, but if more than one azure account is there we need to set default azure account for all operations.
Select-AzureSubscription –SubscriptionId "paste-subscription-id-here"
Check for default subscription
Step 4: Before creating the Virtual Machine, we need to create Storage.
New-AzureStorageAccount -StorageAccountName "powershellvmstorage" -Location "Southeast Asia"
Get all lists of Storage accounts.
Again we need to set the default storage account to create VM.
Set-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName "Pay-As-You-Go" -CurrentStorageAccountName powershellvmstorage -PassThru
Step 5: Now storage is ready. Create Windows Virtual Machine
Below one command is there to list all the VM in a table sequence
# Get the latest VM images in a table with index
$images = Get-AzureVMImage | Group-Object Label | select Group | Sort-Object -Property PublishedDate -Descending | % {select -InputObject $_.Group[0]} | Sort-Object -Property Label
$global:index = -1
$images | Format-Table @{Name = "index"; Expression = {$global:index; $global:index++}}, Label -AutoSize
Approx. 290+ different-different VMs are available.
Step 6: For Windows Virtual Machine
New-AzureQuickVM -Windows -Name "winvm2012test" -ServiceName "winvm2012test" -ImageName $images[268].ImageName -Location "Southeast Asia" -AdminUsername "winvm" -Password "Windows@123" #-WaitForBoot
Here $images[268].ImageName is Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter.
Creating Windows Virtual Machine in Azure Portal.
List all the virtual machines.
Step 7: Get the RDP file so that can connect remotely,
Get-AzureRemoteDesktopFile -Name "winvm2012test" -ServiceName "winvm2012test" –Launch
Step 8: VMs all details,
Get-AzureVM -ServiceName "winvm2012test" -Name "winvm2012test"
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter running successfully.
# Modifying the VM size from Small to Large
Get-AzureVM -ServiceName " winvm2012test" -Name " winvm2012test" | Set-AzureVMSize -InstanceSize Large | Update-AzureVM
# Delete VM
Remove-AzureVM -ServiceName " winvm2012test" -Name "winvm2012test"
# Delete Cloud Service
Remove-AzureService -ServiceName " winvm2012test" -DeleteAll
# Delete individual disk
Remove-AzureDisk "winvm2012test-winvm2012test-0-201509290443290441" -DeleteVHD
# Delete All of the Disks that are not attached
Get-AzureDisk | where { $_.AttachedTo -eq $null } | Remove-AzureDisk -DeleteVHD
Congratulations! You have learned Create, Configure, Delete VM, Delete Cloud Service of Windows Server Virtual Machine using PowerShell command on Microsoft Azure!
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