private DbCommand CreateSelectCommand(object dataObject, DbProviderFactory factory, string TableName)
Type t = dataObject.GetType();
DAOAttribute dao;
DbCommand cmd = factory.CreateCommand();
DbParameter param;
StringCollection Fields = new StringCollection();
StringBuilder sbWhere = new StringBuilder(" WHERE ");
bool HasCondition = false; //Indicates that there is a WHERE Condition
foreach (System.Reflection.MethodInfo mi in t.GetMethods()) //Go thru each method of the object
foreach (Attribute att in Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(mi)) //Go thru the attributes for the method
if (typeof(DAOAttribute).IsAssignableFrom(att.GetType())) //Checks that the Attribute is of the right type
dao = (DAOAttribute)att;
Fields.Add(dao.FieldName); //Append the Fields
if (dao.PrimaryKey)
//Append the Conditions
if (HasCondition) sbWhere.Append(" AND ");
sbWhere.AppendFormat("{0} = @{0}", dao.FieldName);
param = factory.CreateParameter();
param.ParameterName = "@" + dao.FieldName;
if (cmd.Parameters.IndexOf(param.ParameterName) == 0)
param.DbType = (DbType)Enum.Parse(typeof(DbType), dao.ValueType.Name);
param.Value = mi.Invoke(obj, null);
HasCondition = true; //Set the HasCondition flag to true
string[] arrField = new string[Fields.Count];
Fields.CopyTo(arrField, 0);
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT " + string.Join(",", arrField) + " FROM " + TableName + (HasCondition ? sbWhere.ToString() : " ");
return cmd;