Microsoft Flow
Microsoft Flow is a product that helps us set up automated workflows between our favorite apps and services in order to synchronize files, get notifications, collect data, and more using the internet.
Follow these steps to create Microsoft FlowVisit the following
link to create a Microsoft Flow account. In the welcome page, click "Sign In" if you already have a Microsoft Flow account, otherwise click Sign up.
For a new user, we would recommend giving the necessary information like country in the Microsoft Flow page and then press "Get started" to continue the process.
To create the flow, click on the "My Flows" menu and then chose create a new flow.
My goal is to achieve the new mail in my Outlook account every time a new tweet about MICROSOFT comes up on the Twitter page.
First of all, you need to authorize both the accounts in the flow. Then, search for Twitter in the search bar.
Then, sign into your Twitter account.
For connecting the Twitter account, it asks for authorization; press "Authorize app".
Also, we need to give the Keyword that can be searched in the Twitter account. Here, I gave #Microsoft; You can set it as per your choice. Now, click on the "Next Step" button to add an action to that flow.
Then, in the action, chose the Outlook account for configuring the mail you want to receive.
Choose the new mail action when a new tweet is posted about Microsoft, as shown below.
Then, sign into your Outlook account.
It asks for the authorization; press "Yes" to accept it.
We want to give the action about what happens when a tweet is posted about Microsoft.
Give the desired values in the required fields.
Choose "Create flow" and then run your flow to achieve the goal. Select "My flows" tab.