Logic apps provide a way to simplify and implement scalable integrations and workflows in the cloud. It provides a visual designer to model and automate your process as a series of steps known as a workflow.
Use Cases
- Post all the tweets into a Facebook page automatically.
- Download attachments for all your emails and post them into Dropbox.
We will learn more about Logic apps in the upcoming articles.
Please note that we can design and deploy the Logic apps, using Azure Management portal as well as in Visual Studio, using ARM templates.
In order to achieve this, we need to install Visual Studio Tools for Azure Logic apps.
- Visual Studio 2015.
- Azure SDK 2.9.1 or later.
Open Visual Studio 2015 and click New Project - Templates - C# - Cloud, as shown below.
Select Azure Resource Group and provide a meaningful name and click on OK.
Clicking OK will open Azure Template given below, where you can choose the built-in templates available with Visual Studio for quickly building Azure Services. For this example, select Logic app and click OK, as shown below.
Clicking OK will create the Logic app, as shown below.
Right click on LogicApp.Json file and you will review the options given below. You will understand why I asked you to right click at the end of the article.
In the article Kickstart to Logic Apps in Azure, you might have learned that the Azure Management portal allows you to design the Logic app right in the Browser. In the similar way, Visual Studio also provides a Visual Designer for designing the Logic apps.
In order to get Visual Designer, we need to install Visual Studio tools for Azure Logic apps. Let’s see how to install these tools from Visual Studio.
In your Visual Studio, click Tools - Extensions and Updates as shown below.
Next step is to select Online, as shown below.
Search for Logic apps, as shown in the screenshot given below and click Download.
Clicking on Download button will download the required files, as shown below.
Once the process of downloading is finished, you need to review and read the license terms and click on Install button, as shown below
After the installation is complete, you will need to restart Visual Studio.
Restart Visual Studio and open the project. Again, right click on LogicApp.json file, as shown below.
You will notice a new option. Now, open with Logic App Designer, as shown above.
Clicking on the Open with Logic App Designer will open the popup given below to connect to Azure Subscription, where you need to choose your subscription and also choose a Resource Group. Once you choose the Resource Group, click OK button.
Clicking OK button will show Visual Designer, as shown below.
We will learn how to create Logic apps in the upcoming articles. Stay tuned.
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