Installation Of Yii (PHP) Framework

What is Yii Framework

Yii is the PHP framework for rapid development of web applications. Yii means “simple and evolutionary” in Chinese. Yii is based on MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture pattern. It can be used for developing large applications like: CMS, E-Commerce project, etc. It supports both relational and NOSQL databases.

Requirement of Yii Framework:

  • PHP 5.4.0 or above
  • Composer for installation
  • Xampp or Wamp server software

Installtion Steps:

  1. Firstly Install the Xampp or Wamp server software in windows OS.

  2. After successful installation now go to Composer website and download composer installer. This installation downloads composer and also sets  the variable path environment for using composer in CMD. Installer Images in showing below.




  3. After successful installation check composer is working or not in CMD.

  4. Write command in cmd: composer,


  5. Lets Download Composer asset plugin that is use for manage project assets (css, js, etc) in composer.json. After this installation No need for use NPM or Bower type command.

  6. Now write command in CMD for install composer asset plugins composer global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:~1.1.1".

  7. During this installation it may ask to your Github account. If you don’t have account then create account.


  8. Now go to C:\xampp\htdoc if you install the xampp software and write command in CMD for install yii2 basic template project.
    composer create-project --prefer-dist yiisoft/yii2-app-basic,


  9. Open that URL and log into your Github account after that you will get webpage as below, 



  10. Now copy this token and paste into command prompt.

  11. After applying successful token it will read basic libraries in project and download required libraries in project.


  12. Now run Apache and MySQL in Xampp.


  13. After starting open URL http://localhost/yii2-app-basic/web/ and then you will get webpage as below.


  14. Now you have successfully installed yii2 basic templates.

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