Queue Storage With Function App


In this article I’m going to explain about the queue storage with Azure functions app. Before getting into the procedure let’s see an overview about function apps. Azure functions is an solution for running small lines of code or the functions in Cloud & we can select the programming languages, as per our desire. We can build the codes that we need at a small level, so that we need not worry about the whole Application for running it. Azure functions applications let us develop serverless applications.


  • An active Azure subscription
  • Microsoft Azure storage explorer.

Creating azure function application

Step 1

Login to Azure portal.

Step 2

Click New->Compute->Function app.

Step 3

Now, we need to provide the requirements given below for Functions app.

  • We need to provide an app name for Function app with the unique name.
  • Create a resource group and provide a name for your resource group.
  • The hosting part consists of consumption plan & app service plan.
  • The consumption plan is default plan, but when we choose the consumption plan; we need to choose the location.
  • In concept of app Service plan; we need to create an app plan +location. It defines the location and features with cost with the sources with the app.
  • The storage account has to be configured, so that we can either choose the existing storage or we can create a new storage account.

Step 4

Click Create to deploy Function app.

Step 5

Now for creating a queue function, we need to create a function in new function application.

Step 6

In the function app expand the function app and select + button in the functions, and select the scenario with the desired programming language and click->custom functions for view of complete set of function templates of it.

Step 7

select->Queue trigger with the desired programming language template.

Step 8

The name of the function with queue name and storage account connections will be set as default & click->create.

Step 9

select->integrate and click for expanding the documentation and make note down of both account name and the account key so that we can use them in the Azure storage explorer.

Step 10

Now run the Azure storage explorer and select-> use a storage account name &key and click->next

Step 11

Now enter the note down details of both account name and the key that is copied from the function documentation and click->next.

Step 12

click->connect and now we need to create a new queue, for that expand the storage account and click->create queue and press enter.

Step 13

The storage queue is set and we can send the message to the queue.

Step 14

Click-> add message in storage explorer and type any message in message text box & click->ok.

Step 15

Now we have successfully created a function with running a message to queue storage.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day.

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