Re-adding Accidentally-Deleted Status Reason Option- Quick Tip


Have you been in a situation where you accidentally deleted the status reason option from quote entity and now, you want to add it back as soon as possible? If yes, then this article is going to help you.


While adding options to option set, its value is generated automatically based on the option value prefix (You can find this option under publisher). Although it will display a prompt while resetting this value, we can change it based on our requirement.


But, this is not possible for every field type, for example, status reason. While adding a value to status reason, we can’t change its value. In this article, we are going to provide quick steps for how to re-add the accidentally deleted value in status reason, for example, let’s delete the following "In Progress" value accidentally from quote status reason field and now let’s see how we can add it back:

Navigate to the quote entity and open status reason field.

Click "Add" and re-add the deleted option set.


Click on "Save and Close" and publish your changes.

Create a custom solution and just add only the quote entity and only status reason field in your solution.

Export the solution and unzip it.

Open customization in an XML editor.

Change the new value with old value and save your changes.
Now, select all the files under solution folder and compress. Make sure to rename your zip folder with exact solution name. Import your solution back to the CRM and publish your changes.

Open status reason field. Now, you should see the old value again like the following:

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