Setting Up GitHub Repository On Azure Web Apps

This post focuses on how to set up GitHub on Azure web apps.

Before reading this article, please go through the following articles to gain some knowledge on an introduction to Azure and creating web apps in Azure.

  • Azure Account
Creating Web App in Azure Management Portal

Login into Azure management portal.

Click New and then Web+Mobile, followed by clicking on web app to create a web app account in Azure.


Provide all the required credentials such as name, subscription, and resource group and click create.

Name – Provide a valid name for your web application which you are going to create. Obviously, it is a URL to access the web application.


It takes some time to start creating a web application in Windows Azure. Once the provision is successful, you will land on the overview page of your web application.

Setting up GitHub Deployment Options

Login into Azure management portal.

Open up your web application by clicking on Browse >> Web apps >> select your application, which is listed on the web app blade.

In the web app overview page, click settings if it is not opened, otherwise omit this step, as it is optional.

In the settings blade, scroll down and find deployment source under app development. Click it and click to choose a source. Click GitHub Repository. Once deployment source is selected, click OK.


Then it’s time to configure GitHub for web apps.

So in GitHub Deployment Options click on Authorize and in the Authorization Window click Authorize.


Then a pop up appears that provides a  GitHub account username and password for validating your account to connect with the Azure web app.


Once authorization completes then choose your project from GitHub by clicking Choose Project.


Then choose branch as Master and click ok.


Everything is done! Then click on Ok button to setup GitHub repository with the Azure web app.

Once deployment completes you get a toast as the deployment is completed successfully.

Again click on Deployment Options now you will be able to see your GitHub repository as follows:


Then click on web app URL from app overview page then you will be able to find the web app which is configured using GitHub repository.


In this article, we learned about setting up deployment option GitHub, using Azure web apps. I hope you enjoyed reading this article. Thanks for reading.

Happy New Year.

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