When you click on the Check product and Patch Installation status link, you will land on the Manage Patch Status page. This page will give us the information about the patch status of all the installed products i.e. which patch is installed on all the Servers in the Farm.
Check product and Patch Installation status page’s direct link - /_admin/PatchStatus.aspx
This is the page, which gives the important information to SharePoint administrator about the Farm. I know, many of us simply ignore this information but we should not.
We all know SharePoint consists of multiple different components (often called product). When we apply the cumulative updates in SharePoint Farm, it is not necessary that it updates all the components in same patch. It is normal that in a given CU, it is not updating all the installed products. This means not every CU updates the config database schema. This is where it causes confusion for SharePoint administrators. When we check the build number from Central Admin > Manage Servers in Farm (this page pulls the data from the version table of Config db), which is not reflecting the current build number because last applied CU did not update the version, so it is showing the old version number.
There is an easy solution to get the real-time patch level. We have to visit the patch status page. This page pulls the information from serverversioninformation table. Whenever we apply the cumulative updates to a Farm, it updates this table all the time. This page tells us which component is installed in which Server in the Farm along with the applied patches. It will list the KB number and version number under the component, where it applied.
What information is there on this page?
On this page, we will get the information given below.
- View
This dropdown gives us the option of either selecting the single Server or complete Farm. This dropdown lists all the Servers in the Farm. i.e in our case, you see Farm and KF-SP
- Server
In this column, you will see the Server name. If you select the Farm view from 1st option, then all the Server lists will be retrived. You can expand or minimize the Server’s component.
- Product
As we mentioned earlier, SharePoint consists of different components. Under this column, you will see the all the installed component s(Product) for a given Server. You will also see the updates, if applied to that component. In our example, you can see SharePoint foundation 2016 1033 Lang pack has KB3128017 installed. SharePoint also puts the direct link of the KB article if you want to know.
- Version
This column with tell you the version number for the installed product, if you applied any patch, then it will list the version number of the patch too.
- Install Status
This column will tell the status of the product, whether it is installed, supressed or installing etc.
With the help of this page, you can easily tell whether a given CU has ben installed or not, even if it does not update the version of SharePoint.
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