The following article shows some String functions which are not currently available directly in C#. PCase This will conver the string passed to ProperCase ie each word's first is changed to UpperCase().The word is identified using whitespace character such as " ","\t","\n","\r".Usage: PCase(string) Replace Currently in C# it does not support Replace() function for string even stringbuilder Replace() also does character replacement and not string replacement. This function will find the characters passed in the second argument with the source string in first argument and replace it with 3rd argument. Usage: Replace(Source,Find,Replacement) eg. Replace("abc","b","d") will return "adc" ToSingleSpace
ToSingleSpace is a function which will trims off multiple whitespace characters to single whitespace characters. Usage:ToSingleSpace(SourceString) eg.ToSingleSpace("Welcome to C#") will return "Welcome to C#" CharCount This CharCount will no. of occurrences of a sub string in the main string. This will be useful in parsing functions.Usage:CharCount(Source,Find) eg.CharCount("aaaaac","a") will return 5 Reverse This will reverse the String argument passed and return it. Usage:Reverse(Source) eg.Reverse("abc") will return "cba" Left This will returns certain no.of characters from the beginning of the string. Usage:Left(Source,CharCount) eg. Left("Welcome",3) will return "Wel" Right This will return certain no.of characters from the end of the String. Usage:Right(Source,CharCount) eg. Right("Welcome",2) will return "me" IsPalindrome This function will return whether the passed string is palindrome or not. Usage:IsPalindrome(Source) eg.IsPalindrome("abc") will return false wherease IsPalindrome("121") will return true.
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