Developing some web site we often should use some control in the GridView control. In this case we have to create the GridView control with TemplateField columns and use some special methods to access needed data. Inside the GridView control we can use both standard server controls (such as DropDownList , etc.) and our own controls. In this article I will show how a web user control can be used in the GridView control. As example we will use our old friend : the ListBoxesFT_C control.
We will use our WebSites_Test solution . To the WF_ListBoxes.aspx we will add the GridView control.
Our GridView control, named just "GridView1", has caption "TestUC_InsideGV" and consists of five columns.
The first one is "the type of" the BoundField and contains some "Identity number"; the HeaderText property of this column is "Num".
The second column is the TemplateField and contains our ListBoxesFT_C control with Id = "ListBoxesFT_C2"; the HeaderText property of this column is "UC".
The third column is the ComandField (the select column) and allows to check out the "out data" of the selected row of the GridView1 control; the HeaderText property of this column is "Select".
The fourth column is the TemplateField and contains GridView control with Id = "GridView_Inside", which allows to display the C_DataOut property of the ListBoxesFT_C2 for selected row; the HeaderText property of this column is "Test_GridView".
The fifth column is the TemplateField and contains two TextBox controls with Id="TextBox_Text" and Id="TextBox_Value", which allow to display the C_DataOut property as text and value; the HeaderText property of this column is "Test_TextValue".
We also will use our GridViewTestDT_Out (with the caption "TestSelect_All") to display all selected value and text according to "Num" column; we will do that with the help of the ButtonTestDTOut button click.
For our task we don't need the ListBoxesFT_C1 control and we just change the Visible property to "false".
The design of the WF_ListBoxes.aspx is looked now like this ( fig. 1).
Figure 1.
The source code for GridView1 is following:
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server"
<asp:BoundField DataField="Num" HeaderText="Num" />
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="UC">
<ItemTemplate >
<uc1:ListBoxesFT_C ID="ListBoxesFT_C2"
runat="server" C_HeightLB ="70" C_WidthLB ="80"
C_Client= "false"
C_DataIn ='<%# getDT_ForTemplate()%>'/>
<asp:CommandField ShowSelectButton="True" HeaderText="Select"/>
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Test_GridView">
<ItemTemplate >
<asp:GridView ID="GridView_Inside" runat="server" >
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Test_TextValue">
<ItemTemplate >
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox_Text" runat="server" >
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox_Value" runat="server" >
As you can see we set the property C_DataIn of the ListBoxesFT_C2 control to some value with the help of the getDT_ForTemplate() method.
Now we have to add some code to the WebForms_Test_WF_ListBoxes partial class.
First of all add protected method getDT_ForTemplate where we use one of our old friends GetData.GetDataHelp (of course, you can use your own source to get and return a DataTable ):
protected DataTable getDT_ForTemplate()
GetData.GetDataHelp getData = new GetData.GetDataHelp();
return (getData.getDataSetCities(4).Tables[0]);
In order to fill column "Num" add to the protected void Page_Load method the following code:
GetData.GetDataHelp getData_GV = new GetData.GetDataHelp();
if (!IsPostBack)
GridView1.DataSource = getData_GV.getDataSetNum(3).Tables[0];
Here I use the method (getDataSetNum), that just returns numbers as DataSet (again, you can use your own source):
//The method getDataSetNum that returns dataSet with
//one dataTable "DataTableNum". The dataTable consists of
//one column : "Num" .
//The dataTable is filled with the help of
//the "for" loop; the number of the rows is input parameter.
public DataSet getDataSetNum(int iRows)
DataTable dt = new DataTable("DataTableNum");
DataColumn dc_Num;
DataRow dRow;
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
dc_Num = new DataColumn("Num", Type.GetType("System.String"));
for (int i = 0; i < iRows; i++)
dRow = dt.NewRow();
dRow["Num"] = i.ToString() ;
return ds;
Now we add code to the method GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged , which is "responsible" for the SelectedIndexChanged event, that is fired when we click on the select column. First of all we have to create DataTable dt, that in fact is the C_DataOut property of the ListBoxesFT_C2 control of the selected row:
DataTable dt = ((UserControls_ListBoxesFT_C)GridView1;
Secondly we find for the selected row the GridView_Inside control:
GridView gv = ((GridView)GridView1;
Then we just bind gv :
gv.DataSource = dt;
Now in our hands there are DataTable dt, and we can, with the help of the loop, to fill out the TextBox_Text and TextBox_Value controls of the selected row:
protected void GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataTable dt = ((UserControls_ListBoxesFT_C)GridView1.
GridView gv = ((GridView)GridView1.
gv.DataSource = dt;
string sText = "";
string sValue = "";
int iRows ;
int iCount ;
iRows = dt.Rows.Count;
for (iCount = 0; iCount < iRows; iCount++)
sText += dt.Rows[iCount][1].ToString();
if (iCount != iRows - 1)
sText += ";";
FindControl("TextBox_Text")).Text = sText;
sValue += dt.Rows[iCount][0].ToString();
if (iCount != iRows - 1)
sValue += ";";
FindControl("TextBox_Value")).Text = sValue;
OK! Now let's create the method getDataSetGV. This method returns DataSet with one table "DataTableGV", that consists of two columns : "Num" and "Text". We have to loop through the GridView1 control and "to write down" in the "Num" column all value of the "Num" column of the GridView1 control and in the "Text" column all selected value (text) according to the "Num" column. Again we use FindControl method:
private DataSet getDataSetGV()
GridViewRow grRow ;
DataTable dt = new DataTable("DataTableGV");
DataColumn dc_Num;
DataColumn dc_Text;
DataRow dRow;
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
int iRowsGV;
dc_Num = new DataColumn("Num", Type.GetType("System.String"));
dc_Text = new DataColumn("Text", Type.GetType("System.String"));
iRowsGV = GridView1.Rows.Count;
for (int i=0; i < iRowsGV; i++)
grRow = GridView1.Rows[i];
dRow = dt.NewRow();
dRow["Num"] = grRow.Cells[0].Text;
DataTable dtInside = ((UserControls_ListBoxesFT_C)GridView1.
string sTextInside = "";
int iRowsInside;
int iCountInside;
iRowsInside = dtInside.Rows.Count;
for (iCountInside = 0; iCountInside < iRowsInside; iCountInside++)
sTextInside += dtInside.Rows[iCountInside][1].ToString();
if (iCountInside != iRowsInside - 1)
sTextInside += ";";
dRow["Text"] = sTextInside;
return ds;
We use this method to set the DataSource property of the GridViewTestDT_Out control when we click on the button ButtonTestDTOut:
protected void ButtonTestDTOut_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
GridViewTestDT_Out.DataSource = getDataSetGV().Tables[0] ;
Now we can test how our control works inside the GridView control. Choose some values in every control (column "UC") :
Figure 2.
click on select column and you will see the result like this (fig. 3).
Figure 3.
If you click on the the button ButtonTestDTOut ("Test DT_Out") you will get all selected values in one table "TestSelect_All" (fig. 4).
Figure 4.
I hope that this article will help you to create the GridView control with a user control (your own web user controls or just standard server controls) and receive all needed data from the built in control.
Good luck in programming !