Now, let's start with the following steps:
Create a new Azure mobile app backend
Step 1 Sign in to the online Microsoft Azure Portal.
Step 2 In the Jump bar, click New, then click Web + Mobile and then Mobile app.
Step 3
In the Mobile app account blade, specify the desired configuration for the Mobile app account (Name, & Resource Group). Click Create button at the bottom of the screen to create the Mobile App.
Step 4
In the Settings blade for the new Mobile app backend, click Quick start > your client app platform iOS (Swift) > Connect a database.
Step 5In the
Add data connection blade, click
SQL Database > Create a
new database, type the database
Name, choose a pricing tier and then click
Server and
New server blade, type a unique server name in the
Server name field, provide a secure Server admin login and a password
Configure the server project
Step 1
In the Mobile app backend settings, click Quick start > your client platform (iOS (Swift)).
Step 2
Under create a table API, select your backend language, either C# or Node.js,
Download and run the Cordova app
Click Browse All -> Mobile Apps -> the backend that you just created. In the mobile app settings, click Quickstart > iOS (Swift). Under Configure your client Application, click Download. This downloads a complete Windows project for an app pre-configured to connect to your backend and open the project using iOS simulator and ‘Run App' button to build the project and start the app in the emulator.