Working With XML In Windows PowerShell

XML ( eXtensible Markup Language )

XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language. XML is a markup language much like HTML ( HypeText Markup Language ). XML is used for storing and transporting of data. It is in human readable format. File extension for XML is “.xml”. Let’s look at how we can work with XML using Windows PowerShell. Below are some of the examples.

Find All Xml Cmdlets in PowerShell

Use Help Cmdlet to find out all the Xml Cmdlets in Windows PowerShell


PS C:\ > Get-Help *xml*


The above Cmdlet returned all the Cmdlets matching with the word “xml”.


Use Export-Clixml Cmdlet to create an Xml based representation of an object and store it in a file.


PS C:\ > Get-Process | Export-Clixml -Path C: \SampleFile.xml


The above Cmdlet gets list of processes and stores it in ExampleFile in C: drive.

Path is a mandatory parameter here. You need to specify the location of the file you want to create.


Once we export an Xml, we can verify it by navigating to the location we specfied during the export process. In this example, I specifid C: drive.

So, if I navigate to my C: drive and look for ExampleFile.xml file, I should see that Xml file.

As you can see below, I have found the file in My C: drive. Thus, the Export process was successful.



Exported Xml file Contains Data about List of Processes.


You can also verify it from PowerShell using Notepad. Use the below Cmdlet. It will open up the Xml file in Windows PowerShell.

PS C:\ > notepad C:\ExampleFile.Xml


Import-Clixml Cmdlet imports a CLIXML file and creates corresponding objects in Windows PowerShell.


PS C:\ > Import-Clixml C:\ExampleFile.xml


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