XAML Highlight Features In Visual Studio 2017


In Visual Studio 2017, XAML performance has improved to be 90% faster compared to the previous version of Visual Studio 2017.

Personal Test in my system

  • System config
    i5 processors with 16 GB RAM

  • Visual Studio 
    Two Visual Studio instances are running at a time with XAML editor.

Compared to the last version and this version in my system, XAML is working faster, thereby enhancing overall performance as well. XAML editor typing, IntelliSense pop ups are faster.

XAML Edit and Continue

You can edit XAML code, while the application is running. Without compiling, changes will update in the application. 


XAML Control Focus

It enables the focus control in the toolbar. The Live Visual tree will automatically select the control in the running app. This feature is helpful to the developers.

Highlighting the errors

While writing the code, if any error occurs, it is automatically highlighting the warning in the left side of the editor.


Remove and sort Namespaces

Removing unnecessary namespace options is now available in XAML editor and you can sort them.


Rename refactoring

You can invoke the Rename action. The context menu is now available in the XAML editor.


IntelliSense Typing

The list will only display the types which match; and the closest match will be selected as IntelliSense.gif.

Indent guides

Indent guides are now built into XAML editor (Previously, we needed to use VS extension but now it’s not required).

I hope you enjoyed it. 

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