7 Best Practices To Increase Website User Engagement

Well, for the majority of businesses and especially startups, inbound leads matter the most. The website is one of the primary sources to drive more visitors to your business. There is a direct relationship between the amount of time users spend on your website and the number of users that are redirected to your website. There may be a case where you have put huge effort in the development of your website but still people do not stick to your website.
Getting quality traffic to your website is like winning half the battle. But, the real challenge is to get users to engage with your website to find out more about what you have to offer to them. If visitors switch from your website to another, the bounce rate will increase. So, here are some key factors represented by top app development companies that need to be optimized to ensure the best results.
  1. Be Clear

    When a visitor visits your website, is he/she able to identify what your website is all about? Is your website relevant to what they need? Remember, you need to be clear regarding what your website is all about. Visitors are looking for something that has landed them on your site. If they are not able to figure out what they need, they will quickly move to the next site.
  2. Search Bar

    In order to make users stick to your website, you need to make access to their findings easy and quick. Place a search bar on the top of your website so that a user can easily retrieve the required information in a quick manner.
  3. Improve Site Performance

    We are living in the fast emerging world where time is a major constraint faced by a majority of people. Remember, your audience is too impatient to wait for the website to load. Make sure that the web page is fully optimized. Analyze CSS, JavaScript and jQuery of the website and make sure that they are optimized, in order to achieve the best performance.
  4. Easy Navigation

    Before you begin with website designing, finalize the functionalities array list that you want to implement on the website. The site should be designed simply and elegantly to make the users understand the concept of your website. Navigation should be clear and simple. Complexities in navigation will frustrate the visitors and they will quit your website within no time. So, make the navigation simple and clear so as to avoid the complexities.
  5. Fresh Content

    Content is the king that draws users to your website. Make sure that your website is posting quality content. It should contain rich information that engages users to your website. The content should use simple words for better understanding. So, write/post simple yet engaging content.
  6. Avoid Excessive Pop Up

    More inclusion of pop-ups to promote your product and services will irritate the users. Ensure that your site includes limited pop-ups, for better user engagement.
  7. Clear Call To Action

    Your visitors won't recognize what actions you want them to perform. Do you want them to sign up for newsletters? Or want them to create an account? Always keep your "call to action" clear and provide relevant links. Do not misguide them by creating an unclear CTA.
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