Angular CLI Tips and Tricks: Boosting Your Development Workflow


The Angular Command Line Interface (CLI) is a powerful tool that can significantly enhance your development workflow. With a plethora of commands and options, Angular CLI simplifies various tasks, from creating new projects to building and deploying applications. In this blog post, we'll explore some valuable tips and tricks to help you get the most out of Angular CLI.

1. Creating a New Angular Project

Starting a new Angular project is straightforward with the CLI. Use the following command to create a new project with a specified name:

ng new my-angular-app

You can customize the initial setup by adding flags. For example, to skip installing dependencies and initialize a Git repository, use:

ng new my-angular-app --skip-install --skip-git

2. Generating Components, Services, and More

Angular CLI provides powerful code generation commands that can save you time and ensure consistency in your codebase. Here are some commonly used generation commands:

  • Generate a new component:

    ng generate component my-component
  • Generate a new service:

    ng generate service my-service
  • Generate a new module:

    ng generate module my-module

You can also use shorthand aliases for these commands, such as ng g c my-component for generating a component.

3. Serving Your Application

To start a local development server and serve your application, use the following command:

ng serve

The default port is 4200, but you can specify a different port using the --port flag:

ng serve --port 4201

You can also enable hot module replacement (HMR) for a smoother development experience:

ng serve --hmr

4. Building Your Application

Building your application for production is simple with Angular CLI. Use the following command to create an optimized production build:

ng build --prod

You can further customize the build process with various flags. For example, to enable Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation and output path configuration:

ng build --prod --aot --output-path=dist/production

5. Running Unit Tests

Angular CLI makes it easy to run unit tests using the Karma test runner. To execute all unit tests, use:

ng test

You can run tests in watch mode to automatically re-run tests on file changes:

ng test --watch

For code coverage reports, use the --code-coverage flag:

ng test --code-coverage

6. Running End-to-End Tests

End-to-end (E2E) tests are executed using the Protractor framework. To run E2E tests, use:

ng e2e

You can specify a different configuration file if needed:

ng e2e --config=e2e/protractor.custom.conf.js

7. Linting Your Code

Linting helps maintain code quality and consistency. To lint your Angular project, use:

ng lint

You can specify the linter configuration if you have multiple configurations:

ng lint --configuration eslint

8. Environment-Specific Configurations

Angular CLI supports environment-specific configurations for different build environments (e.g., development, production). You can define these configurations in the angular.json file.

To build your application with a specific environment configuration, use the --configuration flag:

ng build --configuration=production

You can also use environment files to store environment-specific variables. For example, environment.ts for development and for production.

9. Using Angular Schematics

Angular Schematics are templates for generating and modifying Angular projects. You can create custom schematics to automate repetitive tasks and enforce project standards.

To create a new schematic, use:

ng generate schematic my-schematic

You can then customize the generated files and use the schematic in your project.

10. Customizing Angular CLI

You can customize the Angular CLI configuration by modifying the angular.json file. This file allows you to configure build options, file replacements, and other settings specific to your project.

For example, to add a custom style file globally, you can modify the styles array in the build options:

"styles": [


Angular CLI is a powerful tool that can significantly enhance your development workflow. By leveraging its various commands and options, you can streamline common tasks, enforce best practices, and improve the overall efficiency of your Angular development process. Whether you're generating code, running tests, or customizing builds, Angular CLI has the tools you need to boost your productivity and deliver high-quality applications.

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