Anti Pattern: Multiple Purposes for the same method

In a previous blog, we talked about the anti-pattern of partially filled objects.  Another horrendous anti-pattern is defining a method that tries to be multi-purpose.  This brings me to my next set of rules.

1. DO NOT Define a Method that does more than one well-defined task.

1a.  Do not define a function that does completely opposite tasks in the same method

1b.  Do not pass  a boolean or any other parameter into a method that flags the method to behave completely differently than it was intended.

Let me give an example.  Let's take the following method

void LoadProject (bool save)
// load the project into the project class
   if (save == false)

   if (save == true)


The fact that this project is doing two completely different tasks breaks the main rule #1.    Since the method is accepting a boolean that changes the intended behavior of the method,  this part of the definition breaks rule 1a and 1b.

You may think I'm making this up, but I just came across this in code, and I've even seen it before in some older standard libraries.

Correct Behavior

How should this method be refactored to defeat this scary anti-pattern?  If we just think about rule #1, we can quickly come up with a solution.  Simply divide the method into two well defined tasks and name them appropriately

void LoadProject()

void SaveProject()

Now it is very clear to other programmers looking at your code what each method is doing.  Rule #1 is based on the basic CS concept of high cohesion
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