Application Directory Structure in ASP.NET

The application folder is contains list of specified folder that you can use of specific type of files or content in an each folder. The root folder structure is as following

  • BIN
  • App_Code
  • App_GlobalResources
  • App_LocalResources
  • App_WebReferences
  • App_Data
  • App_Browsers
  • App_Themes

Bin Directory

It is contains all the precompiled .Net assemblies like DLLs that the purpose of application uses.

App_Code Directory

It is contains source code files like .cs or .vb that are dynamically compiled for use in your application. These source code files are usually separate components or a data access library

App_GlobalResources Directory

It is contains to stores global resources that are accessible to every page.

App_LocalResources Directory

It is serves the same purpose as app_globalresources, exept these resources are accessible for their dedicated page only

App_WebReferences Directory

It is stores reference to web services that the web application uses.

App_Data Directory

It is reserved for data storage and also mdf files, xml file and so on.

App_Browsers Directory

It is contains browser definitions stored in xml files. These xml files define the capabilities of client side browsers for different rendering actions.

App_Themes Directory

It is contains collection of files like .skin and .css files that used to application look and feel appearance.

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