The Windows Form Application is a Graphical User Interface and just we can drag and drop the text box, labels, buttons.The coding can be done on the buttons based upon our program.Finally, run the program by clicking the button it can display the output.
Addition of Two Numbers
Step 1: Open Visual Studio 2015,
Step 2: Click New Project,
Step 3: Choose Visual C# and Click Windows Form Application then type the name and click Ok,
Step 4: The Form page will be open we can design the form by using Tool Box in view menu.
Step 5: Now we can change the label name, button name by selecting label or button then Right click go to properties select the text box change the name of the label or the button.
Step 6: Double click the Add Button the coding page will be open now we can write the code for the addition of two numbers,
Step 7: As same as we can write the coding for Exit Button,
Step 8: Click Start Button to run the Program,
Step 9 : Output,