Calling WPF method from HTML

This blog shows simple steps to call WPF method from HTML page hosted inside a Web Browser.

Step 1

Create WPF Application.

Step 2

Add a Web browser control in the WPF application as in the following:

Step 3

Create an HTML page and host inside the web browser control.

  1. {  
  2.     InitializeComponent();  
  3.     this.WebBrowser.Navigate(new Uri("../WpfApplication2/WpfApplication2/HTMLPage1.html"));  
  4. }  
Step 4

Creating HTML Bridge.

To create HTML Bridge, add a reference to Microsoft HTML Object Library.

Step 5

Add a class HTMLBridge and enable ComVisible property true for the class.

Step 6

Write a method to call from HTML page as shown above.

Step 7

Linking between HTML page events and WPF Method.

To call WPF method, we have to use “Window.External”. It is a method name written in the HTML bridge class.

Therefore, on click of button it will call the WPF method written in the HTML bridge class.
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