TO deploy you need to follow following steps.
Step 1: Run the Prepare.bat file to build the project in release
mode and move the plugins to the correct directory.
Step 2: Run the Deploy.bat file to perform the same procedure as
the Prepare.bat file, but also move all the websites and files to the
\Deployable\Nop_{Version} directory.
Step 3: Select all the files in \Deployable\Nop_{Version} directory
and upload them to your web server.
Step 4: Copy and paste setting.txt and InstalledPlugins.txt to
App_Data folder from Presentation's App_Data Folder.
Step 5: Now copy and paste Deployable\Nop_{Version} folder to
WWWRoot foder and Just follow the steps that you used to Configure a normal
Step 6: Backup the database from your develope system.
Step 7: Restore the database on server and make changes in
setting.txt file as per Database server Setting(Server name,Userid,Password and
Database name)
Now run the site, your nopcommerce Site will be live.