Here you can see that a First data is store in DataTable (dt) but i want to filter that DataTable where value "SAM" is not present.
so you follow this way.
int i=0;
DataTable dtt=new DataTable();
dtt.Columns.Add("SSN", typeof(string));
dtt.Columns.Add("NAME", typeof(string));
dtt.Columns.Add("ADDR", typeof(string));
dtt.Columns.Add("AGE", typeof(int));
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt.Columns.Add("SSN", typeof(string));
dt.Columns.Add("NAME", typeof(string));
dt.Columns.Add("ADDR", typeof(string));
dt.Columns.Add("AGE", typeof(int));
// Showing how to set Primary Key(s) in a Data table (Although it's not compulsory to have one)
DataColumn[] keys = new DataColumn[1];
keys[0] = dt.Columns[0];
dt.PrimaryKey = keys;
dt.Rows.Add("203456876", "John", "12 Main Street, Newyork, NY", 15);
dt.Rows.Add("203456877", "SAM", "13 Main Ct, Newyork, NY", 25);
dt.Rows.Add("203456878", "Elan", "14 Main Street, Newyork, NY", 35);
dt.Rows.Add("203456879", "Smith", "12 Main Street, Newyork, NY", 45);
dt.Rows.Add("203456880", "SAM", "345 Main Ave, Dayton, OH", 55);
dt.Rows.Add("203456881", "Sue", "32 Cranbrook Rd, Newyork, NY", 65);
dt.Rows.Add("203456882", "Winston", "1208 Alex St, Newyork, NY", 65);
dt.Rows.Add("203456883", "Mac", "126 Province Ave, Baltimore, NY", 85);
dt.Rows.Add("203456884", "SAM", "126 Province Ave, Baltimore, NY", 95);
// DataRow[] DataTable.Select(string filterExpression, string sort)
foreach (DataRow o in dt.Select("NAME <> 'SAM'"))
// Console.WriteLine("\t" + o["SSN"] + "\t" + o["NAME"] + "\t" + o["ADDR"] + "\t" + o["AGE"]);
string aa = o["SSN"].ToString();
string ab = o["NAME"].ToString();
string ac = o["ADDR"].ToString();
string ad = o["AGE"].ToString();
//for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
dtt.Rows[i][0] = aa;
dtt.Rows[i][1] = ab;
dtt.Rows[i][2] = ac;
dtt.Rows[i][3] = ad;
i = i + 1;