Internals of C# Events

Basic Introduction

In simple terms, Events are special objects in .NET which allows programmer to give notification to the external world. Or we can also say that it is a means of communication between the object to the external world. Actually it maps to an existing delegate that acts as a Type of it which eventually points to a method. So, when the event is subscribed, it needs a method which the object will call at certain time when event is raised in the system. Event is the structured way of calling delegate into the class.

Internal Working

Events in .NET is ThreadSafe and uses Multicast Delegates internally. It is provided with .NET to give a standard way of notifying the external world rather than dealing with delegates directly. If we create a class for the event handling purpose it will have mainly 3 things:

  1. Private event of type EventHandler.
  2. Public event accessor which gives an interface for add and remove operation for the event.
  3. Public virtual method which can be called from code when programmer want to raise the event.

Thus the actual event variable is not exposed outside.

Delegates internally calls all its methods configured in its invocation list, the calls will be automatically managed. Each MulticastDelegate holds an array of MethodInfo internally which is upcast as objects

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