Introduction Of C++

Introduction to C++
  • C++ is an extension language from C language.
  • C++ was developed by BjarneStroustrup at Bell Laboratories.
  • Bjarne Stroustrup initially called the new languages "C with classes".
  • In 1983, the name was changed to C++.
  • C++ is an intermediate level language and it can support both high level and low level features.
  • C++ is an Object Oriented Programming Language, but it is not pure.
Benefits of C++ over C language
  • C++ is an object oriented programming language and C is a procedural language.
  • Stronger type checking compared to C.
  • In C, there is no exception handling, but C++ can support this.
  • Instead of macros in C language, C++ can support an inline function
Why should we have to study C++?
  • Basically, we all know, that the first programming language is C. Afterwards, C++ is an extension of C.
    • The invention of C++ was associated by one major programming factor and increasing complexity. Because the Application of program (or) the number of lines in the source code increases, it is very complex.
    • To solve these problems, we can get into C++.   

  • It is easily understood.
  • C++ is efficient    
What is meant by Compilers, Archiver, Linker, Toolset, IDE
  • Compiler
    Compiler takes C++ source file as an input and produces the object files.     

  • Archiver
    Archiver takes a collection of the object files as an input and produces a static library or archive, which is simply grouped into a collection of the object files, grouped for convenient use. 

  • Linker
    Linker takes a collection of the object files, libraries and resolves their symbolic references to produce an executable.  

  • Toolset
    • The computer can only understand the machine language code. 
    • The three basic tools, used to build C++ Application are the compiler, the linker and the archiver.
    • Collection of these programs is called Toolset. 

  • IDE
    Integrated development environment provides a graphical interface for organizing a collection of the source files and describe the binary files, which should be related to them.
IDE for C++
  • Visual C++
  • Code warrior
  • C++ Builder
  • Dev C++
  • Code Block 
For example installation of dev C++
  • Open the file.
  • When the file is done downloading,locate the downloaded file and open the executable file.
  • Install Dev /C++. Afterwards, you open the executable file, you will be ran through an installation setup.
Steps to install




Simple program in C++



Thus the introduction, installation, and simple programming is explained successfully.
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