Is Inbox and Calendar WebPart is Missing in SharePoint 2013?

Many of us thinking that , Inbox and Calendar, Contacts Webparts are depreciated in SharePoint 2013!!!!. But actually,this is not true. 
In this Blog, I have given the list of steps to activate it on SharePoint 2013

To use My Inbox and My Calendar web part in SharePoint 2013, do following steps:
  1. Go to Web part Gallery.
  2. On Web part Gallery page, Click Files and Navigate to  New Document and Select New in the ribbon.
  3. On New web part page(NewDWp.aspx), look for Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.WebControls.OWAInboxPart , Select the web part and click on populate gallery.
 Thats it, now the My Inbox web part is configured to appear under Miscellenous section.
Now you can go to your SharePoint page where you want to add web part, click on Add web part under Miscellenous Category.
Happy SharePointing ;-) 
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