Kudus for the Data Dude

Visual Studio Team System for Database Professionals (of VSTS DB Pro for short) has been released, according to the February 2007 edition of the MSDN Magazine.

VSTS DB Pro will assist you to "create, manage, or build solutions that connect to SQL Server™."

Here is a number of features that I found GREAT in VSTS DB Pro;

  • Database Versioning: You can have multiple versions of the same database. For example, you can decide to revert to an older version of the database structure if your recent modifications are not up to your standard.
  • Database Comparing: Once you decide to go from a test environment to a production one, VSTS DB Pro will compare the two databases and generate a DDL change script for you.
  • Unit Testing: This is usually used for testing VB and C# code, but is now available for testing all forms of database code, such as "stored procedures, functions, and triggers".
  • Data Generation: As we all know, empty tables are really useless, especially when you have stored procedures that require considerable data. VSTS DB Pro will generate random test data for you based a data generation schema you decide.

Read more here; http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/07/02/TeamEdition/default.aspx


Bashar Lulu
MVP - Visual Basic
INETA Country Leader - Gulf

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