Languages Supported by SQL Server

SQL Server support various types of international languages and their local like Germany, French, English, etc. To get a brief knowledge about these languages and locals we need to execute the following query.

  1. select * from master.dbo.syslanguages 

This query will gives information about the country languages, date time ,month, short months etc.

table result

The @@langid define the language we are currently using, To test this write the following query in your SQL Server editor.

select @@LANGID

This will give up following O/p-


If you go through the syslanguages table then you will find that for langid 0 we have the language is English.

You can check the language you are using also by typing the following query.

Select @@Language

It will give the following output.

For msglangid we have 1033 as English Language.

To check this please type the following query.

  1. select * from master.dbo.syslanguages where msglangid=1033 

It will gives the following output.


Thus in this way we can get all information about languages in SQL Server.

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