Learn Filters in AngularJS

What is Filters

We can use filter format data for display to the user. It is used formatted value of an expression applied to your output data as following syntax.


    {{ expression | filter }}

Example: Currency Filter.
  1. {{ 1000 | currency }}   
The currency filter resulting value is $1000.00.

It ‘s enable to access the AngularJS built in filters like currency, date, limitTo, number and so on. We will discuss list of the filters details as below table.

List of AngularJs Filters Table:

S.No Filter Name Filter Description
1 Currency It is used to formats number as currency
2 Date It is used to date formats
3 Filter It is used find the item from array
4 Lowercase It is used to convert string as lowercase
5 LimitTo It is containing new array with specified number of items
6 Json It is used to convert javascript object to json object
7 OrderBy It is used to order by array
8 Uppercase It is used to convert string as uppercase

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