List of some of the more interesting and useful methods in LINQ

   List of some of the more interesting and useful methods  in LINQ:

. Aggregate()—Enables you to apply a function to every item in a sequence.

. Average()—Returns the average value of every item in a sequence.

. Count()—Returns the count of items from a sequence.

. Distinct()—Returns distinct items from a sequence.

. Max()—Returns the maximum value from a sequence.

. Min()—Returns the minimum value from a sequence.

. Select()—Returns certain items or properties from a sequence.

. Single()—Returns a single value from a sequence.

. Skip()—Enables you to skip a certain number of items in a sequence and return the remaining elements.

. Take()—Enables you to return a certain number of elements from a sequence.

. Where()—Enables you to filter the elements in a sequence.

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