Microsoft MVP twice in row

Second time in row Microsoft says, I am their “MOST VALUABLE PROFESSIONAL”. All credit goes to our site and readers of our site.

Thanks note …

1st April is my anniversary with Microsoft technologies. When all worlds is making fool of each other for fun on this very date, Microsoft gives me reason to keep working as blogger and author. It was November 2008; I got my first article published on our site.  Since my first article to my 282 articles on our site, one man is always backing me up like mentor, supporter, reader, and leader and may be as elder brother. He is none other than Mr Mahesh Chand. He is epitome of true human being and an honest leader. A thanks is a small word I could dedicate to him.


From 1st April 2010 to 31st March 2011

Number of Posts: 178

Number of public speaking: 3

In day time, I work for Infosys, so getting above statistics has consumed my many nights and weekendsJ

A note to other Authors who are aspire to be Microsoft - MVP

  • Do not write keeping in mind prizes. Write for bigger pleasure like self-satisfaction and community.
  • Do not write to increase the count.
  • Do not write in hurry. Take your time; your readers are having enough time to wait for your next post.
  • Write on variety of topics.
  • Join twitter and connect with maximum like-minded folks
  • Follow elite bloggers of your technology and translate their posts to more readable format.
  • Write in the way you want to read.
  • Attend as many user events, community events (like our summit on 15th april) as you could.
  • Be regular and consistent.
  • Last but not least believe in your GOD.

Now a day everyone is writing, so make sure you are writing original contents. Make sure a single article is providing a complete solution to readers.

All my above suggestion was just what I thought. I know , there is astronomical for me to improve as well.

Eagerly I am waiting to meet each one of you on 15th April. I request , please make 1 days for our site.

Thanks and Happy coding. 

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