Navigate to Edit Page Quickly

 In SharePoint there is a quick way to reach the edit page, directly, by just adding some query strings.
 Whenever we want to make some changes in a page, in SharePoint, we need to edit it, which probably takes a quite a couple of clicks in the Site Action--> Edit Page. And this method does consume some time, especially if it is SharePoint 2010. The reason being, in SharePoint 2010 a page and a ribbon take a lot of time to load.
 To avoid the trouble we have a simple query string and we have to use that right after the URL of any page you want to edit.
 For Instance, we are in the home page.


In the address bar just append query string ToolPaneView=2.

And now the address bar will be


Whenever you hit the enter button it will take you to the edit page. And if the page is not checked then a pop-up will appear to check-out the page.


This way we are done editing the page quickly.

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