NetBeans IDE 7.0 Code Templates

How to use Code Templates?

Write any abbreviation listed below and press Tab, the code will be generated.

Java Code Templates

Abbreviation Generated Code
En Enumeration
Ex Exception
Ob Object
Psf public static final
Psfb public static final boolean
Psfi public static final int
Psfs public static final String
St String
ab abstract
as assert true;
bcom /**/
bo boolean
br break;
ca catch (
cl class
cn continue
db double
df default:
dowhile do {
} while (condition);
eq equals
ex extends
fa false
fcom // <editor-fold></editor-fold>
fi final
fl float
forc for (Iterator it = collection.iterator();
it.hasNext();) {
Object elem = (Object);
fore for (Object elem : iterable) {
fori for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {}
forl for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) {
Object object = lst.get(i); }
forst for (StringTokenizer stringTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(STRING); stringTokenizer.hasMoreTokens();) {
String token = stringTokenizer.nextToken();
forv for (int i = 0; i < vct.size(); i++) {
Object object = vct.elementAt(i);}
fy finally{ }
ie interface
ifelse if (condition){}else {
iff if (exp) {}
im implements
inst  if (Double instanceof Object) {
Object object = (Object) Double;
iof instanceof
ir import
le length
na native
newo Object name = new Object(args);
pe protected
pr private
psf private static final
psfb private static final boolean
psfi private static final int
psfs private static final String
pst printStackTrace();
psvm public static void main(String[] args){
pu public
re return
runn Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
public void run() {}};
serr System.err.println ("|");
sh short
sout System.out.println ("|");
soutv System.out.println("Object = " + Object);
st static
su super
sw switch (var) { case val: break;
default: throw new AssertionError();}
sy synchronized
tds Thread.dumpStack();
th throws
tr transient
trycatch try {}
catch (Exception e) {}
tw throw
twn throw new
vo volatile
wh while (
whileit while (it.hasNext()) {
Object elem = (Object);}
whilen while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
Object elem = (Object) en.nextElement();}
whilexp while (exp) {}

JSP Code Templates

Abbrivation Generated Code
ag application.getAttribute("|")
ap application.putAttribute("|",)
ar application.removeAttribute("|")
cfgi config.getInitParameter("|")
jspf <jsp:forward page="|"/>
jspg <jsp:getProperty name="|" property="" />
jspi <jsp:include page="|"/>
jspp <jsp:plugin type="|" code="" codebase=""></jsp:plugin>
jsps <jsp:setProperty name="|" property=""/>
jspu <jsp:useBean id="I" type=""/>
oup out.print("|")
oupl out.println("|")
pcg pageContext.getAttribute("|")
pcgn pageContext.getAttributeNamesInScope("|")
pcgs pageContext.getAttributesScope("|")
pcr pageContext.removeAttribute("|")
pcs pageContext.setAttribute("|",)
pg <%@page |%>
pga <%@page autoFlush="false"%>
pgb <%@page buffer="|kb"%>
pgc <%@page contentType="|"%>
pgerr <%@page errorPage="|"%>
pgex <%@page extends="|"%>
pgie <%@page isErrorPage="true"%>
pgim <%@page import="|"%>
pgin <%@page info="|"%>
pgit <%@page isThreadSafe="false"%>
pgl <%@page language="java"%>
pgs <%@page session="false"%>
rg request.getParameter("|")
sg session.getAttribute("|")
sp session.setAttribute("|", )
sr session.removeAttribute("|")
tglb <%@taglib uri="|"%>
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