# Create a SharePoint Group in a SharePoint Online Site using PowerShell O365
# Required Parameters:
# Author: Gowtham Rajamanickam
# Date:12-March-2017
- # create a SharePoint Group in a SharePoint Online Site
- function Create-Group
- {
- param ($SPonlineUrl,$Username,$Password,$GroupName,$GroupDescription)
- try
- {
- #Adding the Client OM Assemblies
- Add-Type -Path "C:\CSOMDLL\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll"
- Add-Type -Path "C:\CSOMDLL\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.dll"
- #create context for connect with SharePoint online
- $Ctx = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($SPonlineUrl)
- $Credentials = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($Username, $Password)
- $Ctx.Credentials = $Credentials
- $RootWebSite = $Ctx.Web
- $GroupCreationInfo=New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.GroupCreationInformation
- $GroupCreationInfo.Title=$GroupToCreate
- $GroupCreationInfo.Description=$GroupToCreateDescription
- $Group=$spoRootWebSite.SiteGroups.Add($GroupCreationInfo)
- $Ctx.ExecuteQuery()
- $Ctx.Dispose()
- }
- catch [System.Exception]
- {
- write-host -f red $_.Exception.ToString()
- }
- }
- #Enter the below manatory Parameters
- $SPonlineUrl = "https://gowthamr.sharepoint.com/"
- $Username = "*******"
- $Password=convertto-securestring "*****" -asplaintext -force
- $GroupName="Gowtham_Group"
- $GroupDescription="CustomGroup"
- Create-Group -sSiteColUrl $SPonlineUrl -sUsername $Username -sPassword $Password -sGroupToCreate $GroupName -sGroupToCreateDescription $GroupDescription
Run the code given above and check your SharePoint Site. A new group is created successfully.
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