-- Store Procedure
-- Store procedure is precompiled object in database
-- advantage of store procedure is
-- if you wnat to run some long query again and again so just take advantage of store procedure
-- eg wirte your long query into your procedure and run it into one line
Parameterized store procedure:
-- in store procedure with parameter means pass some value to get your answer
--eg. suppose you wnat data after entering date range that means you give two date to get you data.
--Here @Name is variable and we have given data type varchar(10) to that variable
create procedure WelcomeMessage @Name varchar(10)
select 'Hello '+ @name + ', How are you ' -- wirte your code over here
execute WelcomeMessage 'ashok' -- this is the way to run your proceudre
--Ho update your procedure use keywork alter and update you code according to your requirement
alter procedure WelcomeMessage @Name varchar(10)
select 'Hello '+ @name + ', How are you ' -- wirte your code over here
execute WelcomeMessage 'ashok' -- this is the way to run your proceudre