Runtime co-ordination of controls residing in two different forms

Question is : How you could display in the text of the label in the second form;
     the content of the textbox in the first form?
Answer is:
 Step 1:
   In form1 drag a textbox control and name it textbox1.
 Step 2:
   In Form1.Designer.cs search where the textbox has been declared
 Step 3:
   After the "region" ther is one declaration as:
  private System.Windows.Forms.TexBox textbox1;
 Step 4:
   Change the access modifier to "public".
 Step 5:
   Now add another form to the project by right-clicking the mouse over the project
   in the Solution explorer.
 Step 6:
   A form with form2 as a name is displayed.
 Step 7:
   Drag two controls from the toolbox, one a label control ,another a button control,
   into form2.cs[Design].
 Step 8:
   Name the Label control as "label1" and the button control as "button1".
 Step 9:
   Now from Form2.cs[Design], double-click the mouse over the button control.
 Step 10:
   Now in "public partial class Form2 : Form
   declare a global object ,f1, of Form1 type
 Step 11:
   Now in "private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)"
  write :-;
   string str;
   label1.Text = str;
 Step 12:
   Now execute.
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