SharePoint Designer 2013: Person is a Valid SharePoint User

Please refer my previous article to learn more about SharePoint Designer 2013 Workflows.

In this blog you will see how to use “Person is a valid SharePoint User “condition in SharePoint Designer 2013.


This condition is initially displayed in a workflow step as If person is a valid SharePoint user. Use this condition to discover whether the specified user is a member of the SharePoint site.

In SharePoint Designer 2013, you can include people outside your corporate domain (called external participants) in your workflows. For example, suppose that you have assigned tasks in your workflow to external participants. You can then use this action to make a site user follow up with the external participants until the tasks are complete.

In this example, I will check if the “Name” field user value is a valid SharePoint user, if the condition is satisfied then the current item “Notes” field is updated with string value “Condition Satisfied”.

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