Guidelines To Write A Good Article

Guidelines to write a good article

We can see a lot of articles, now-a-days, with poor quality. Here, poor quality means the articles with very little content, without source code, without introduction, without images, and/or without explaining why, how, and what has been done in the article. We request that all the members avoid writing single-line or one-paragraph articles.

A few tips to write good articles:
  1. Before writing the article, deeply study the subject.

  2. Give an introduction about the topic.

  3. Write why you have selected the topic and what you are going to explain in that write-up. Write all this in the introduction part.

  4. If prerequisites are needed, please provide their links for download.

  5. If the end users need some basic knowledge for understanding your program better, do provide some reference links.

  6. Code part: This is the main part of the article. Always explain your program or sample, step by step, to the end user. Explain how to start the project; end it with how to check the final output.

  7. Always add important code snippets and explain what you have done there.

  8. If you want to explain about the simple solutions or simple examples, then don’t end with one paragraph or one solution. Always give detailed explanation along with different examples, so that the end users can understand well.

  9. For example, if we selected the topic as C# Class and Object, don't just explain one simple Class and Object program.

    First, start explaining what C# OOP is; then, explain in detail what Class is; and then, explain what Object is. Write two or more different examples for Class and Object and explain the code part in detail to the end user.

    And also, you can explain about different types of Class in C#,  with sample programs and explanations.

    Here is another example, with SQL Server: If you plan to write article for Join query, as mentioned above, first explain what Join in SQL is and what types of Join are available in Join.

    In the code part, first create sample tables which will be used for explaining our Sample Join query. Insert a few sample records to the tables, to be used for our Join query output. Explain each Join in details with one or more sample queries.
  10. Source Code: This is very important part of an article. If your article deals with any sample program, then always attach the source code in your article.

  11. Conclusion: Always end your article with a conclusion statement and future plan to improve the article.

  12. Add See also and reference links for members to study more details about your selected topics.

  13. After re-writing your article, read it 2-3 times and check for any errors and grammatical mistakes.

  14. After all these points are done, publish your article.
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