Three Level Category Using Php


Here I am going to create a three level category system using PHP and mysql. For example Category -> Sub Category -> Sub of sub category.


Step 1

Create a database table having these column name id, name, parent .Here parent shows category and subcategory .Example if parent=0 then it is the root and if parent=1 it has a category of value having id 1.
I had included database file db.php.
Step 2

Dump values in the table. Insert the values in the columns id, name and their parent using my sql query.

Step 3

Add the php script including stylesheet.

<link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

<body bgcolor="    #98AFC7">
    <h2 align="center"><ul>Three Level Category</ul> </h2>
<?php                        include "db.php";

                            $category = mysql_query( "Select * FROM categories where parent=0", $conn);
                                die( "Data Base Query1 Failed: " . mysql_error());


<ul id="nav">
    <?php echo '<li class="parent"><a href="#" >'.$product[name].'</a>';?>
                                $subcategory_set = mysql_query( "Select * FROM categories where parent=$product[id]", $conn);
                                    echo '<li class="parent"><a href="#" >'.$childproduct[name].'</a>';
                                        $subsubcategory_set = mysql_query( "Select * FROM categories where parent=$childproduct[id]", $conn);
                                        while ($childchildproduct=mysql_fetch_array($subsubcategory_set))
                                            echo '<li><a href="#" >'.$childchildproduct[name].'</a></li>';
               <?php } ?>
<?php } ?>

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