What is as keyword in C#


In C#, as operator is like a cast operation, which performs only reference conversion, nullable conversion and boxing conversion. as keyword can not be perform to other conversion such as user define conversion.


using System;


namespace as_keyword_in_c_sharp


    class c1  // create class c1



    class c2  //create another class c2,which is return type is string


        public string show(string str)


            return str;




    class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)


            c1 obj1 = new c1(); //create object of class c1

            c2 obj2 = new c2(); //create object of class c2


            object[] obj_array = new object[6]; //create object type array


            object a= 123;        //create object type variable, which is value is int type

            object b = "welcome"; //create object type variable, which is value is string type

            object c = 10.05;     //create object type variable, which is value is double type

            object d = null;     //create object type variable, which is value is null type


            //store object type value in object type array

            obj_array[0] = obj1; 

            obj_array[1] = obj2.show("hello");

            obj_array[2] = a;

            obj_array[3] = b;

            obj_array[4] = c;

            obj_array[5] = d;


            for (int k = 0; k < obj_array.Length; k++)


                Console.Write(" {0} : ", k);

                // conversion of object type value to string type through as keyword

                string str = obj_array[k] as string;


                if (str != null)


                    Console.WriteLine("'" + str + "'");




                   Console.WriteLine("No string");









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