What is Web Service?

What is Web Service?

Dear reader today we will discuss the basic concept of web service its start with the concept of e-commerce when business transferred into the web and buyer can purchase anything with just of few clicks so Web applications are accessed by users mainly by a web browser or a mobile device.

A Web service is software that makes itself available over the Internet. Think of a web service as a collection of methods which are made available by the web service creator for use by other applications. These other applications access these methods over the Internet and exchange data with the web services via XML format. A wide variety of applications can benefit from a web service (not only web applications, but also windows applications or other web services & so on).

An example of a web service would be one which validates credit card numbers. Hence, another web application might make use of that web service through calling its methods. Another example of a web service is the .NET passport.

Web Services; It is what Microsoft is trying to get people to do with Office. Instead of owning the application wholly on a CD or other storage media. You would use it from their web site. Kind of like playing an on-line web game. You do not own the software but the game site would own the software.

What is Web Service?

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