I came under the task of underline on a label in the design of a login and I also needed the underline label, that's why I have created a custom underline label today.
So let's start friends,
Firstly we create a ContentView whose name is under UnderLineLabel.xaml and then set the Label and Boxview.
- <ContentView.Content>
- <StackLayout Grid.Row="0" Padding="0" VerticalOptions="Center">
- <Label x:Name="customLabel" Text="{Binding Text, Mode=TwoWay}" TextColor="{Binding TextColor,Mode=TwoWay}"/>
- <BoxView x:Name="customBox"
- BackgroundColor="{Binding LineColor,Mode=TwoWay}"
- HeightRequest="1"
- Margin="0,-8,0,0" />
- </StackLayout>
- </ContentView.Content>
Then we are using the BindableProperty to the code behind.
- public partial class UnderLineLabel : ContentView
- {
- public UnderLineLabel ()
- {
- InitializeComponent ();
- }
- public string Text
- {
- get { return (string)GetValue(TextProperty); }
- set { SetValue(TextProperty, value); }
- }
- public static BindableProperty TextProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(Text),
- typeof(string),
- typeof(UnderLineLabel),
- defaultBindingMode: BindingMode.TwoWay,
- propertyChanged: (bindable, oldVal, newVal) =>
- {
- var matEntry = (UnderLineLabel)bindable;
- matEntry.customLabel.Text = (string)newVal;
- });
- public Color LineColor
- {
- get { return (Color)GetValue(LineColorProperty); }
- set { SetValue(LineColorProperty, value); }
- }
- public static BindableProperty LineColorProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(LineColor),
- typeof(Color),
- typeof(UnderLineLabel),
- Color.Default,
- defaultBindingMode: BindingMode.TwoWay,
- propertyChanged: (bindable, oldVal, newVal) =>
- {
- var matEntry = (UnderLineLabel)bindable;
- matEntry.customBox.BackgroundColor= (Color)newVal;
- });
- public static readonly BindableProperty TextColorProperty =
- BindableProperty.Create(
- nameof(TextColor),
- typeof(Color),
- typeof(UnderLineLabel),
- Color.Default,
- defaultBindingMode: BindingMode.TwoWay,
- propertyChanged: (bindable, oldVal, newVal) =>
- {
- var matEntry = (UnderLineLabel)bindable;
- matEntry.customLabel.TextColor= (Color)newVal;
- });
- public Color TextColor
- {
- get { return (Color)GetValue(TextColorProperty); }
- set { SetValue(TextColorProperty, value); }
- }
- }
Please make sure to add view reference.....
<local:UnderLineLabel Text="Forget Password" TextColor="Brown" LineColor="Orange" HorizontalOptions="EndAndExpand"/>
You should have your Custom UnderLine working!!
Features of Custom UnderLine controls.
- Text Color Property= ( TextColor="BlueViolet")
- Text Property = (Text="Xamarin Skills")
- Line Color Property=( LineColor="Orange")