An Introduction to R

An Introduction to R

W. N. Venables, D. M. Smith

This book describes the detailed introduction to R with a brief overview of Statistical Models in R. It will be beneficial for beginners as well as for those who want to reach an intermediate level in learning R.

  • Published on Mar 09 2016
  • Pages 105
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This book describes the detailed introduction to R with a brief overview of Statistical Models in R. It will be beneficial for beginners as well as for those who want to reach an intermediate level in learning R.
Table of Content  
  • Introduction and preliminaries
  • Simple manipulations; numbers and vectors
  • Objects, their modes and attributes
  • Ordered and unordered factors
  • Arrays and matrices
  • Lists and data frames
  • Reading data from files
  • Probability distributions
  • Grouping, loops and conditional execution
  • Writing your own functions
  • Statistical models in R
  • Graphical procedures
  • Packages
  • OS facilities
  • Appendix A A sample session
  • Appendix B Invoking R
  • Appendix C The command-line editor
  • Appendix D Function and variable index
  • Appendix E Concept index
  • Appendix F References

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