OOPs Principle and Theory

OOPs Principle and Theory

Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan

This book is focused on basic concepts of object-oriented programming for beginners, intermediates and college students.

  • Published on Jan 15 2016
  • Pages 28
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This book does not talk about one specific programming language like C++, C# or Java. Instead this is a theoretical explanation of Object-oriented programming paradigm used in computer programming to build applications and software. This book would contain a design language to demonstrate the concepts of object-oriented paradigm. These would resemble to those of C++ or C#. Typically, Java is used for object-oriented programming, but I cannot find any reason to “not” use C++ or C# for the teaching purposes when they also support the same concepts and same paradigm in a much better and simpler way.
Table of Contents
  • Computer programming
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Data abstraction; Encapsulation in Object-oriented programming
  • Like father like son; Inheritance
  • Polymorphism in Object-oriented programming

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